The OHHA Board is chartered by the Code of Conduct to make decisions “in the best interests of the entire community.” A huge challenge is how to collect homeowner feedback in sufficient quality and quantity to provide confident guidance for policies and board decisions. The most frequent source of friction between homeowners and the board (and sometimes within the board) stems from conflicting interpretations of vaguely worded CC&Rs and guidelines. For example, how do we define “harmonious” for Architectural Review? Who decides the threshold for a “nuisance” or “annoyance” – thus requiring Compliance response? Constant argument does not serve the best interests of the community and is simply frustrating for everyone. Survey data from a representative sample of Oak Hills homeowners (>50%) could be interpreted to clarify expectations for policy direction and decision-making. Whatever the results of any survey, some homeowners may be disappointed. The goal of the “Report Card” will be to help minimize (though not eliminate) disappointment, while also minimizing surprise, uncertainty, and conflict. The Report Card survey will be open for three weeks between May 21 and June 11. Your well-considered, honest answers are critical! Please complete the survey online if possible (see survey link at Otherwise, please mark up this insert, and deliver to the mailbox at the Northumbria green space pathway (next to 14900 NW Northumbria Lane). Homeowners who attended the annual meeting can use their “secret code” to complete the survey (97 secret codes were selected, with 101 homes aSending). Other homeowners can use their lot number as survey identification. If you do not remember your lot number, please see or contact Jim Meyer. Lot number information will be removed for homeowner privacy after checking for duplicate entries. TAKE THE SURVEYComments are closed.
NotificationsIn 2021 these postings are aligned with HOA email notifications.
HistoryPrior to 2021 this page contained Board Meeting minutes and community news. Archives
October 2020