Oak Hills is a planned community consisting of 650 homes sited amidst wide-open landscaped areas on approximately 32 acres of open space. The Association facilities include a large and small swimming pools, gymnasium, community room, playground area, tennis courts, play fields, parks, walking trails, and RV parking lot. Construction began in the mid-1960s with the final completion of the last phase in the late-1990s. On July 10, 2013, the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service signed the document that placed Oak Hills on the National Register of Historic Places. At that time, Oak Hills was the youngest historic district in Oregon and one of the youngest nationwide to be added to the Register. Oak Hills was cited for setting precedents for implementing self-governance in suburban developments through the homeowner association, progressive master planning, and flexible land use codes. Oak Hills was also the model when Washington County developed its land-use regulations.