Agenda: OHHA Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, September 6, 2017 7 p.m. Boyd Community Room 1. Call to Order (Dan) 2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (Lindsay) 3. BOD update recent department reports as published in newsletter 4. Homeowners Comments/Questions: as listed on the attending homeowner sign-up sheet 5. Board Review of following topics: a. Proposal: extinction of pool season past September, renting pool to outside groups (David, Sheila) 1. Formal motion 2. Discussion 3. Vote by BOD b. Compliance Issues (Terri): adjourn to Executive Session, if necessary 1. Summary and action recommendation of association attorney 2. Formal motion 3. Discussion 4. Vote by BOD (if in Executive Session, move to Open Session for vote) c. Update on Homeowner Survey topics and timing (Lindsay) d. New management reports for greater transparency and ease of use (Dan, CMI, Linda) e. Board Priorities: Going forward, what shall be the priority/focus of BOD time and association budget for the next fiscal year (ie. Landscape Plan, 153rd entrance sign, etc.) f. Discussion of Cash Operating Funds: Should we maintain these monies based on a six month average of normal operating expenses? (Dan) 6. Adjournment (10 p.m.) |
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October 2020