This page covers subjects related to the maintenance and repair of areas owned and operated by the Oak Hills Homeowners Association.
Dropbox Status
Drop Box will open May 1, 2023 through May 30, 2023 and June 19, 2023 through July 7, 2023
Our community yard debris drop box is open DAILY (dawn to dusk) starting MAY 1, 2023 through May 30 and June 19 through July 7. More time might occur in the later summer (TBD). It is located in the Maintenance facility parking lot (2085 NW 153rd). To purchase a pass ($30) for your vehicle in order to access the drop box for the season, please stop by the Office during Open Office Hours OR use your Jackrabbit account by clicking here. If you use your Jackrabbit account, sign up (enroll) anyone in your family for the Drop Box Class. Once you pay for the 'class' email [email protected] for the code to the gate.
Be sure to enroll anyone in your household for the class. The link is below. We ask residents to be sure to print out their receipt as proof of purchase.
The HOA is evaluating the cost effectiveness and member value received from the the drop box and we need your input. Email [email protected].
Drop Box Guidelines 1. Sticker pass (print out of receipt) purchase required. 2. No dumping of sod or stumps/limbs larger than 3" diameter. 3. Please cleanup outside of dumpster if debris is spilled. 4. Completely fill up one dumpster at a time before filling the second.