This is the second quilt show hosted by the Oak Hills HOA and the Sew & Sew Group! The show is sponsored by the members of the group.
The Sew & Sew group started in 2018 via an invitation in the Oak Hills Newsletter to residents and their guests. They met together in the Community Room to sew together and share their projects. Over time the group has evolved into a forum to share tips and techniques to improve sewing skills as well as provide an opportunity to spend time with neighbors and friends. Current membership includes approximately 25 participants --- some have quilted for decades while others are beginners.
Over the past several years it has become apparent that the group is both talented and creative and provides much inspiration for each other. Members in the group suggested that we collectively share the products of their efforts with our neighbors and the public at large. So on Saturday, July 29, (10am - 4pm), quilts of all sizes and styles will be displayed within the community tennis courts. One section will be dedicated solely to share our textile creations for all to enjoy; another section will display quilts and other handmade projects that are for sale.
There is NO ADMISSION CHARGE! FREE TO ALL! A quilted item will be given away as a door prize to one of the attendees. Drawing for the prize will be held at 4pm.
The Sew & Sew group started in 2018 via an invitation in the Oak Hills Newsletter to residents and their guests. They met together in the Community Room to sew together and share their projects. Over time the group has evolved into a forum to share tips and techniques to improve sewing skills as well as provide an opportunity to spend time with neighbors and friends. Current membership includes approximately 25 participants --- some have quilted for decades while others are beginners.
Over the past several years it has become apparent that the group is both talented and creative and provides much inspiration for each other. Members in the group suggested that we collectively share the products of their efforts with our neighbors and the public at large. So on Saturday, July 29, (10am - 4pm), quilts of all sizes and styles will be displayed within the community tennis courts. One section will be dedicated solely to share our textile creations for all to enjoy; another section will display quilts and other handmade projects that are for sale.
There is NO ADMISSION CHARGE! FREE TO ALL! A quilted item will be given away as a door prize to one of the attendees. Drawing for the prize will be held at 4pm.