The Architectural Review Board, also known as the ARB, is composed of volunteer homeowners appointed by the Board of Directors. The ARB reviews applications for all exterior changes to homes within Oak Hills. While the ARB is responsible for approving exterior changes or improvements to all homes in Oak Hills, the Board of Directors is the final authority on the CC&Rs. Should the ARB deny approval of a request for change or improvement to a home, the applicant may appeal that decision to the Board of Directors.
Guidelines for Architectural ReviewThese Guidelines have been prepared to direct future changes and continue the tradition of our neighborhood that resulted in our placement on the National Register. Oak Hills epitomizes the best in post-war, mid-century development, emphasizing varying residential densities, mixed uses, the incorporation of open space, and land conservation. These guidelines are intended to ensure excellence by establishing principles and standards regarding structures and harmonious exterior colors within our neighborhood. The exterior of your home may be the strongest indicator that you are the caretaker of a architecturally eclectic design aesthetic. The Guidelines are not meant to address every contingency or circumstance, but to establish general principles.
The Guidelines are not meant to restrict, but to guide, allowing individuality to be expressed within the culture of Oak Hills. We ask your assistance and cooperation in following these Guidelines to ensure that Oak Hills continues as a unique and beautiful community. To read through all of the current Guidelines, click through the drop-down menus below. Or download the full Guidelines document here:
Guiding principle in planning for exterior structural changes: |
Plat Map PDFs | |
File Size: | 2564 kb |
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Once you've reviewed the guidelines and information above, please complete the application and submit via email to Dan Badders ([email protected])
All applications will be reviewed and processed according to the guidelines as listed above. Please allow a few weeks to months for application review and processing, depending upon Board feedback for the proposed project, alternate project solutions, appeals, etc. Most applications require limited processing time, especially if they follow the provided guidelines, while others may be more complex. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. Having trouble downloading the ARB form? CLICK HERE. |
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